Value of the Activity Set for an IBDP Environmental Systems and Societies (ESS) Classroom
This activity set provides students with engaging, hands-on experiences that explore critical concepts in biodiversity and conservation. By applying scientific investigation and data analysis, students gain practical insights into how biodiversity is affected by human activities, conservation strategies, and ecological processes. These activities foster collaboration, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills while deepening students' understanding of environmental challenges.
List of Activities with Summation:
- Investigating Evolution and Natural Selection
Students explore evolutionary mechanisms by observing variation, competition, and adaptation in local populations.
- Investigating Habitat Conservation Strategies
Students compare different habitat conservation approaches, assessing their effectiveness in protecting species and ecosystems.
- Investigating Rewilding Projects
Students study rewilding initiatives and their impact on ecosystem restoration and biodiversity conservation.
- Investigating the Impact of Human Activities on Biodiversity
Students examine how human interference affects biodiversity along a transect, analyzing species diversity and human impacts.
- Calculating Species Diversity Using Simpson’s Reciprocal Index
Students calculate species diversity in a local ecosystem, focusing on species richness and evenness.
- Studying Invasive Alien Species and Their Impact
Students investigate how invasive species affect native biodiversity and explore management strategies for controlling them.
- Assessing Habitat, Species, and Genetic Diversity
Students evaluate the biodiversity of a local ecosystem, analyzing habitat, species, and genetic diversity to assess ecosystem resilience.
- Assessing the Conservation Status of Species Using the IUCN Red List
Students assess the vulnerability of species using the IUCN Red List, exploring conservation challenges and successes.
- Assessing the Impact of Ecotourism on Biodiversity
Students investigate the balance between tourism and conservation by evaluating the positive and negative impacts of ecotourism.
- Exploring the Tragedy of the Commons
Students analyze case studies of resource overuse to understand the tragedy of the commons and strategies for promoting sustainability.